The right convenience store training program prepares employees for a long and successful career at your store. From Early Success training for new employees to Specialist and Leadership programs, our convenience store training content provides a path for employees and managers to not only learn, but to grow and succeed.
Sample Convenience Store Training: Suggestive Selling
Early Success Series
There’s a lot to cover when an employee first starts a job with you, and breaking that information into easy-to-understand topics will lead to better retention and implementation. The ReadyConvenience® Early Success online training is a comprehensive series that covers a wide variety of topics important to new convenience store employees. Courses within this series also make excellent refreshers for all employees.
Specialist Series
Success in the convenience store industry requires specialized skills for employees of all levels. Our ReadyConvenience® Specialist online training series by elevates the skill level of employees in specific topic areas. With separate courses covering the topics of Security Awareness and Operations, managers and employees develop a solid foundation for carrying out the mission of your business.
Leadership Development Series
Your managers will make or break your success as an organization. It is their responsibility to hire and train front-line employees, understand and implement company policies, and lead their teams to reach company goals. ReadyConvenience® store training for managers delivers valuable training topics tailored specifically to your assistant managers, store managers, and district managers.
Path to Success for Your Employees
Our unique approach to achieving higher employee retention is a convenience store training program focused on Career Progression™. Our convenience store training content provides a path for employees to not only learn, but to grow. When your employees believe in their role, are confident in what they’re doing, and truly want to succeed, positive outcomes are inevitable. The right training helps get them there and keep them there. ReadyConvenience® store training program gets the job done, and your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Delivered on trainingGrid®
We offer a comprehensive learning management solution and work collaboratively with our clients to develop solutions that align with their company goals. Our trainingGrid® LMS is built to accommodate the dynamic needs of today’s training administrators with a user-friendly interface to assign and track training and generate reports.