trainingGrid®​ LMS Releases

Details and tutorials for trainingGrid®​ releases.

trainingGrid® 19.4 HUBS Drilldown Release

The 19.4 release of trainingGrid® introduces HUBS Drilldown Reporting, which will provide a more granular view of the data you and your team needs to analyze how well their areas are performing and identify areas for improvement.

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trainingGrid® 18.5 CoSign Release

The 18.5 release of trainingGrid® introduces CoSign for gridSign™. Training Administrators now have the ability to add tags for managers to cosign documents.

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trainingGrid® 18.4 ECL Release

The 18.4 release of trainingGrid®, Enhanced Classroom Logging (ECL) introduces new functionality that allows you, as the Training Administrator, to upload and track the details and certificates for training completed outside of trainingGrid®.

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trainingGrid®​ 18.3 Hubs Release

The 18.3 release for trainingGrid® introduces HUBS for Assistant Managers through Training Administrators. Spend less time searching for data and more time acting on it—just flip the switch!

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trainingGrid®​ 18.2 Release

The 18.2 release of trainingGrid®​ Sidekick is a brand-new companion feature designed to enhance the user experience in trainingGrid®. Through Sidekick’s interactive functions, employees will be able to find answers to frequently asked questions and receive help navigating new features and releases.

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trainingGrid®​ 18.1 Release

The 18.1 release of trainingGrid®​ introduces new functionality that allows you, as the Training Administrator, to personalize certain aspects of trainingGrid® to match your company’s branding.

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Lottery Module Update

Selling lottery tickets is profitable for your business, but there are specific rules and laws your employees must follow.

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Virginia Responsible Alcohol Module Release

Our Virginia Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training is STAP certified (Seller/Server Training Approval Program) by the State of Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

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De-Escalation Module Release

Through realistic convenience store scenarios, employees will understand how to keep a difficult situation from escalating into a dangerous one. Employees will also learn what to do if a situation does become dangerous.

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Keys to Effective Communication

Effective communication is a key attribute of any successful leader. Our new Keys to Effective Communication series dives into constructive feedback, active listening, and overcoming language barriers. These communication training modules will provide you with the tools you need to help your management team become successful leaders.

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Fire Safety Module Update

In this module, employees will learn the importance of fire safety, best practices for fire prevention, common causes of fires, how to properly choose and use fire extinguishers, and steps to take in the event of a fire.

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