In a world where we are ambushed with ads, blasted with promises and bombarded with choices, we rarely believe anything that isn’t a “going out of business” sale. Every “customer first,” “high quality,” and “great service” spiel we hear makes us roll our eyes.
We’re not alone. Our customers are cynical, too, and perhaps worse yet, so are our employees.
How do we counter that? With competitors on every corner, how do we stand apart – and above the rest? How do we truly deliver the ultimate customer experience? And what does it look like when we do it?
Disney’s Magic Kingdom is the ultimate success story. Every part of the park – from the perfectly formed topiary of Mickey to the parking attendant who helps with the stroller – lives its promise to deliver the ultimate guest experience. There is not one chip of paint, one dirty restroom or a piece of trash anywhere. The employees – all termed “cast members” – are sincere, friendly, professional and convincing enough to transform the toughest cynic.
How do we do the same? And then, how do we convince our employees to deliver the ultimate customer experience? Here are 3 tips to help you get started:
- Think big. Most companies have a brand promise they strive to deliver. It can be as direct as Wal-Mart’s “Always low prices. Always.” or as general as Disney’s “to make people happy.” But a brand promise is not an ad slogan, it is a commitment to your customers and it acts as the foundation for all of your company’s motives. Create a new brand promise – or breathe new life into the one that has been forgotten – and instill it into your team.
- Think little. The success in delivering the ultimate customer experience depends on the details. Look around your operation. Does everything reflect your brand promise? Besides external things (like mop slop in the corners), does every interaction your employees have with the customer create the experience you want?
- Live it. Your employees want to be inspired. They want to be a part of something excellent (and if they don’t, find others who do). When you truly live your brand promise – and lead your team to do the same – you’ll create a customer experience that keeps them coming back for more.
Online Training With the trainingGrid® LMS
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Request a guided demonstration of trainingGrid® today!
More Business Competition Insight
For more tips on how to gain a competitive advantage for your business and improving morale at your company, check out the weekly Culture of Convenience podcast.