Hiring Team Players


“Superstars need not apply” should be your recruiting philosophy if you want to build a team-oriented operation. While everyone says they’re “good with people,” it takes a different type of person to help you build your dream team. When recruiting and hiring new employees, look for traits that indicate applicants are team players who will add value and fit in with your team.

A good “team” attitude, not just technical skills: Ask applicants if they participated in any team sports in high school. And ask them to describe their role on the team. Watch out for those who respond: “star player.” They may always want to be singled out.

A high degree of pride: Look for people who wouldn’t dream of walking past a piece of paper on the floor or letting the phone ring off the hook. Seek people who will bring high energy and excitement to their jobs — these qualities indicate they welcome a challenge.

An understanding that it is their responsibility to get better at their job: These types of people require less hand-holding and have the ability to pitch in to help when others get busy.

Make it a part of the interview process to take applicants on a tour of your business. Introduce them to as many employees as possible–especially the teammates they’d be working with. Give them a chance to chat. Coach employees beforehand on conversational questions they should ask. Create a form to pass out to every employee who meets the applicant. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just ask if the candidate was pleasant, respectful and, “Was this someone you would want to work with?”

Don’t base your final decision on any one employee’s opinion. Rather, take them all into consideration. Your existing employees will be happier and your new employees will stay longer.

Human Resources and the Culture of Convenience

Human Resources/Staffing is a strategic element in building a Culture of Convenience. From hiring team players to managing that team, leaders who create a culture of convenience are able to streamline tasks and establish processes that make improve employee performance and increase everyone’s productivity. Get weekly ideas on how to make your job easier through the Culture of Convenience podcast. Listen now!

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