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Management Blog

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times better than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees in new...

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times better than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees in new...

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Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety

Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety

Accidents will happen. But there are no excuses when it comes to food safety. Whether you’re a full-service restaurant, a quick-serve operation, or a convenience store offering food service, your customers expect to eat food that’s been stored, cooked and served...

Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety

Accidents will happen. But there are no excuses when it comes to food safety. Whether you’re a full-service restaurant, a quick-serve operation, or a convenience store offering food service, your customers expect to eat food that’s been stored, cooked and served...

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e-Learning by the Numbers

e-Learning by the Numbers

​Business leaders used to ask, “Why should we implement e-Learning?” Now, with the explosion of e-Learning solutions taking over corporate training programs, the more important question is “Why wouldn’t we implement e-Learning?” If you’re not already using some form...

RTO is Now SOC 2 Certified | What is SOC 2 Certification?

RTO is Now SOC 2 Certified | What is SOC 2 Certification?

RTO is proud to announce that, as of October 1, 2024, we were officially SOC 2 certified! This is an incredibly important step in RTO’s evolution as a trusted source for online training. But what does it all mean? Here is what you need to know about SOC 2...

Developing Leaders for the Future

Developing Leaders for the Future

As a leader in your organization, you’re all too familiar with the amount of work it takes to climb the company ladder. While some may be born leaders, others require a little extra cultivating and nurturing. Implementing a comprehensive leadership development program...

What Potential Employees Want from You

What Potential Employees Want from You

Recruiting potential employees is always a challenge, regardless of unemployment rates. Just as you have a specific set of ideals in mind for that perfect position-to-candidate fit, so do your prospective hires – and their priorities may be different from yours.   4...

Alternatives to Brainstorming  (And Why You Need Them)

Alternatives to Brainstorming (And Why You Need Them)

Brainstorming was introduced in the 1950s as a way to generate out-of-the-box thinking, particularly in businesses such as advertising agencies. Since then, it has become a go-to strategy for teams to problem solve and innovate. But does it really work? Not always.  4...

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

If you’re a business owner, then growing your business is most likely your primary goal. However, growing a business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort and action - and a solid growth strategy to achieve that goal.  Key Factors of Business Growth So...

Remember LEAST for Great Customer Service

Remember LEAST for Great Customer Service

Customer service is the backbone of any successful business. It not only resolves issues and addresses concerns but also creates memorable experiences that keep customers coming back. Exceptional customer service can set you apart from your competitors.    Great...

Transforming Training Techniques

Transforming Training Techniques

Ask any business manager how things are going these days, and the answer will probably include the word “busy.” But what does that really mean? Busy with customers? Busy with operational tasks? Busy training staff members? Managers have many responsibilities, and it’s...

Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication

George Bernard Shaw once said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." Although nearly a century has passed since these words were first spoken, they still hold true today. Barriers to effective communication in the...

Tracking Employee Training with Your LMS

Tracking Employee Training with Your LMS

Designing and implementing an employee training program is just the beginning. To really gauge the success of that program, you need to be able to track and report on your employee training. Fortunately, your learning management system (LMS) comes with features...