Training Blog

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies
There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times better than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees in new...
Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies
There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times better than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees in new...

Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety
Accidents will happen. But there are no excuses when it comes to food safety. Whether you’re a full-service restaurant, a quick-serve operation, or a convenience store offering food service, your customers expect to eat food that’s been stored, cooked and served...
Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety
Accidents will happen. But there are no excuses when it comes to food safety. Whether you’re a full-service restaurant, a quick-serve operation, or a convenience store offering food service, your customers expect to eat food that’s been stored, cooked and served...
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e-Learning by the Numbers
Business leaders used to ask, “Why should we implement e-Learning?” Now, with the explosion of e-Learning solutions taking over corporate training programs, the more important question is “Why wouldn’t we implement e-Learning?” If you’re not already using some form...
Don’t Earn the Scarlet Letter of Food Safety
Accidents will happen. But there are no excuses when it comes to food safety. Whether you’re a full-service restaurant, a quick-serve operation, or a convenience store offering food service, your customers expect to eat food that’s been stored, cooked and served...
Why You Should Be Building Custom Career Paths
We’ve all been through a lot in the last few years with a global pandemic, the Great Resignation, labor shortages, and a host of other challenges. As a result, it’s more important than ever to find quality, dependable employees—and even harder to keep them. According...
Why Your Employees Need Training Recertification
How often do you recertify your employees for compliance topics? If a situation arose, are you confident they would know how to handle it? Recertification, even when state or federal law does not require it, is a good way to make sure your employees are always up to...
Keeping Your Harassment Training Up-to-Date
A new year provides new opportunities for reviewing your training program and making sure your employees are receiving the training they need, particularly in relation to compliance. For example, when was the last time you really looked at your harassment training?...
Are Your Employees Prepared for an Active Shooter?
With the threat of active shooter incidents becoming a frightening reality, training employees to respond effectively is a necessity. Active shooter training such as the FBI’s “Run. Hide. Fight.” video equips employees with tools to mitigate fear, empowers them to...
LMS Explained: What Is It and Why Do You Need One?
The world of employee training is ever-evolving, and chances are, someone somewhere has tried to tell you that a learning management system would improve your training program – but what is a learning management system? What Is a Learning Management System? A learning...
7 Communication Skills Training Administrators Need
As a training administrator, the way you communicate has a large impact on the effectiveness of your role. Not only must you communicate effectively with the employees you are training, but you may also occasionally find yourself in the position of needing to...
Do You Need to Update Your Harassment Training?
Across the country, many states have begun making updates to their harassment laws. If your organization operates in one of these states, that could have an impact on your hiring and training practices – especially if your state is one that mandates harassment...
Six Steps for Implementing a Successful DEI Program
Embracing diversity within your organization can benefit everyone involved. But what do the words diversity, equity and inclusion mean to you? And do they have the same meaning for your employees? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training will help ensure...
Tracking Employee Training
No matter what industry you're in, your staff is still your most valuable asset. On the front lines every day, employees have the most influence over important success factors, such as customer loyalty, sales goals, company culture, and legal compliance. Each one of...
Why You Should Be Cross Training Your Employees
Staffing shortages have become widespread regardless which industry you work in. With hiring the right employees becoming increasingly difficult, it’s possible the solution isn’t to add new talent, but to work with the employees you already have. By taking the time to...