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What Potential Employees Want from You

What Potential Employees Want from You

Recruiting potential employees is always a challenge, regardless of unemployment rates. Just as you have a specific set of ideals in mind for that perfect position-to-candidate fit, so do your prospective hires – and their priorities may be different from yours.   4...

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What Potential Employees Want from You

Recruiting potential employees is always a challenge, regardless of unemployment rates. Just as you have a specific set of ideals in mind for that perfect position-to-candidate fit, so do your prospective hires – and their priorities may be different from yours.   4...

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Smart Team Building

Smart Team Building

Your success as a manager depends on the effectiveness of your team. The people you recruit for your team are just as important as your leadership skills. When you focus on hiring and retaining the best employees, teamwork will improve. Easier said than done, right?...

The Number One HR Priority for Next Year Is…

The Number One HR Priority for Next Year Is…

HR managers across all industries have faced training challenges lately that few could have ever imagined. You’ve already had to figure out how to manage shifts to virtual work, ever-changing public health requirements, burned out employees, and labor shortages. So...

Five Hiring Trends for the New Year

Five Hiring Trends for the New Year

There’s no doubt that the last couple years have altered many aspects of business, including how to recruit and hire talent. With staffing being a major issue for many organizations right now, it may be time to think outside the box in order to find the right...

Do You Need a Gratitude Adjustment?

Do You Need a Gratitude Adjustment?

As a team leader, what are you thankful for this year? Maybe you’re thankful that, for once, nobody called in sick on your busiest day. You might be thankful for the supplier who was actually on time with the right order. If you’re really lucky, you might even be...

What’s in Your Nightmare?

What’s in Your Nightmare?

Regardless of your stance on taking work home with you, occasionally there are still certain aspects of your job that may haunt you even after hours. These management nightmares make up the most stressful aspects of your job during the day, and if left unchecked can...

You Might Be a Scary Boss If…

You Might Be a Scary Boss If…

All employees have their own definitions of a “scary boss” – whether it’s someone who doesn’t understand boundaries, calls during vacations, blames others for their mistakes – and they can most likely immediately conjure a name and face to fit that definition. You...

Overcoming Staffing Challenges

Overcoming Staffing Challenges

With the economy improving, as a business manager or owner, you can just sit back, relax, and watch the sales roll in, right? Not quite. As the labor market changes, the availability of applicants for staffing tightens. Many managers respond to this with a strategy of...

Reminder: Knowledge Retention Matters

Reminder: Knowledge Retention Matters

Henri Barbusse, a French novelist from the late 19th century said, “People are machines of forgetfulness.” Around that same time, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus coined the term “the forgetting curve,” referring to how knowledge retention declines over time....

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” When you’re knee-deep in a difficult situation, it may be hard to hold on to that perspective. Keep this in mind: Managing conflict effectively leads to positive change for you, your team, and...