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Transforming Training Techniques

Transforming Training Techniques

Ask any business manager how things are going these days, and the answer will probably include the word “busy.” But what does that really mean? Busy with customers? Busy with operational tasks? Busy training staff members? Managers have many responsibilities, and it’s...

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Transforming Training Techniques

Ask any business manager how things are going these days, and the answer will probably include the word “busy.” But what does that really mean? Busy with customers? Busy with operational tasks? Busy training staff members? Managers have many responsibilities, and it’s...

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The Training and Turnover Connection

The Training and Turnover Connection

In a linear world, the act of training a new employee comes after that employee is hired. But, as great leaders know, business isn’t always linear. Your training process has a direct impact on whether you need to hire that new employee in the first place. In many...

Perseverance: How Great Leaders Overcome Adversity

Perseverance: How Great Leaders Overcome Adversity

We’ve all heard some variation of the famous Thomas Edison quote, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Edison’s perseverance led to the invention of the lightbulb. Similarly, the true mark of successful leaders is not shown in their...

How to Prevent Chemical Accidents in the Workplace

How to Prevent Chemical Accidents in the Workplace

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), American workers suffer more than 190,000 illnesses and 50,000 deaths annually related to chemical exposure. As part of a program to combat the worldwide problem of chemical accidents that lead to...

You Don’t Need To Be #1

You Don’t Need To Be #1

We all want to be the best. No one likes losing, or watching from the sidelines as someone else is victorious in a goal we set out to accomplish. However, sometimes constantly pushing to be the best can come with disastrous consequences for yourself and your...

What Your Employees Don’t Know Can Hurt You

What Your Employees Don’t Know Can Hurt You

If knowledge is power, then the lack of knowledge is a weakness. This is especially true in risk assessment. As a business leader, part of your job is to assess the risks your organization faces and find ways to minimize them. The main types of risks you face are:...

Navigate Change With Scalable Training Solutions

Navigate Change With Scalable Training Solutions

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The only thing we can be certain of in this life is that we can be certain of nothing.” No matter what business you’re in, your success as a leader often depends on your ability to lead your staff through uncertainty and change. A...

Taking Inventory of Your Employee Training Objectives

Taking Inventory of Your Employee Training Objectives

There’s an old saying in business: "Customers don’t care about what you know, they only care about what you do." And really, it's not what you do. It's almost entirely what your employees do. Your employee training objectives go a long way in determining how well your...

5 Leadership Trends You Can’t Ignore

5 Leadership Trends You Can’t Ignore

Great leaders strive for constant improvement. Check out these five leadership trends that can help you improve your effectiveness as a leader. #1 Embrace Multiple Generations The workforce has always been made up of employees from multiple generations. Today’s...