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Management Blog

Tracking Employee Training with Your LMS

Tracking Employee Training with Your LMS

Designing and implementing an employee training program is just the beginning. To really gauge the success of that program, you need to be able to track and report on your employee training. Fortunately, your learning management system (LMS) comes with features...

Tracking Employee Training with Your LMS

Designing and implementing an employee training program is just the beginning. To really gauge the success of that program, you need to be able to track and report on your employee training. Fortunately, your learning management system (LMS) comes with features...

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Transforming Training Techniques

Transforming Training Techniques

Ask any business manager how things are going these days, and the answer will probably include the word “busy.” But what does that really mean? Busy with customers? Busy with operational tasks? Busy training staff members? Managers have many responsibilities, and it’s...

Transforming Training Techniques

Ask any business manager how things are going these days, and the answer will probably include the word “busy.” But what does that really mean? Busy with customers? Busy with operational tasks? Busy training staff members? Managers have many responsibilities, and it’s...

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What’s in Your Nightmare?

What’s in Your Nightmare?

Regardless of your stance on taking work home with you, occasionally there are still certain aspects of your job that may haunt you even after hours. These management nightmares make up the most stressful aspects of your job during the day, and if left unchecked can...

Coaching Vs. Training

Coaching Vs. Training

Are your managers trainers or coaches? While it might seem like these are interchangeable roles, they are really two interdependent positions. Especially in today’s workforce where technology has transformed training techniques, trainers and coaches accomplish very...

You Might Be a Scary Boss If…

You Might Be a Scary Boss If…

All employees have their own definitions of a “scary boss” – whether it’s someone who doesn’t understand boundaries, calls during vacations, blames others for their mistakes – and they can most likely immediately conjure a name and face to fit that definition. You...

Innovative Ideas to Improve Your Business

Innovative Ideas to Improve Your Business

We’ve all heard the saying, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” but sometimes, you should be doing the exact opposite. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut following the same routines, performing the same duties, and using the same promotions day after day – but if you want...

The 10 Strategic Elements of a Culture of Convenience

The 10 Strategic Elements of a Culture of Convenience

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you; life is easier when everything is simple and convenient. The same is true for your business - when you can streamline tasks and establish processes that keep everything running like a well-oiled machine, your job becomes a lot easier....

The Art of Delegation for Managers

The Art of Delegation for Managers

A daily to-do list is a critical tool in any leadership position. Without one, your day will rule you instead of the other way around. If you’re not constantly evaluating your to-dos, however, your list will be more of a reminder of all the tasks you didn’t get to...

Controlling Your Responses to Stress

Controlling Your Responses to Stress

Stress is a normal part of life, both personally and professionally. You can’t always control the stressors you’re faced with, but you can usually control how you respond to them. Let’s take a look at the most common responses to stress. Common Responses to Stress We...

Five Ways to Incorporate Technology in Training

Five Ways to Incorporate Technology in Training

Not long ago, the concept of technology in training meant rolling out the TV cart for new employees to watch videos about your company policies. However, employee training has changed drastically in recent years. So put away those VHS tapes, and consider these five...

10 Signs Of an Insecure Leader

10 Signs Of an Insecure Leader

​Leadership is hard. Even on the best days, you’ll likely be faced with challenging situations and difficult decisions. Second-guessing yourself every once in a while is natural, but be careful. Too much internal doubt can mean you’re an insecure leader who seems to...

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

5 Steps to Decision Making with Empathy

5 Steps to Decision Making with Empathy

Empathy is a popular concept right now, both in business and in life. What does empathy mean to you as a leader? Leading with empathy can look different for everyone, but in general, it means that your leadership decisions are guided by an understanding of the needs...
