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Management Blog

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

If you’re a business owner, then growing your business is most likely your primary goal. However, growing a business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort and action - and a solid growth strategy to achieve that goal.  Key Factors of Business Growth So...

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

If you’re a business owner, then growing your business is most likely your primary goal. However, growing a business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort and action - and a solid growth strategy to achieve that goal.  Key Factors of Business Growth So...

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5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

If you’re a business owner, then growing your business is most likely your primary goal. However, growing a business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort and action - and a solid growth strategy to achieve that goal.  Key Factors of Business Growth So...

5 Factors Affecting Business Growth

If you’re a business owner, then growing your business is most likely your primary goal. However, growing a business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort and action - and a solid growth strategy to achieve that goal.  Key Factors of Business Growth So...

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Do You Have a Minute?

Do You Have a Minute?

Having an open door policy as a manager is an easy way of telling your employees, “I value your input and want to hear from you.” As more people work remotely, the term "open door" is less literal these days than it has been in the past. The purpose is the same,...

Is Industry Lingo Affecting Your Communication?

Is Industry Lingo Affecting Your Communication?

​​Every industry has its own lingo. These specialized words and expressions are spoken and understood freely among people who have been around for a while, but they may complicate communication for others. Here are a few examples: In retail and convenience stores, you...

Our Top 10 of 2022

Our Top 10 of 2022

It’s that time of year again, when the hustle and bustle of the holidays makes time speed up and before you know it a new year has begun. Before we close the book on 2022, however, we’d like to take some time to look back on our top 10 articles from the past year. Top...

Cause & Effect

Cause & Effect

Most people who volunteer for a charitable cause agree, it feels good to do good. Charitable giving can have the same positive effect on businesses. Many large corporations sponsor public fundraising events and offer matching donation programs for both the good of the...

The Training and Turnover Connection

The Training and Turnover Connection

In a linear world, the act of training a new employee comes after that employee is hired. But, as great leaders know, business isn’t always linear. Your training process has a direct impact on whether you need to hire that new employee in the first place. In many...

Perseverance: How Great Leaders Overcome Adversity

Perseverance: How Great Leaders Overcome Adversity

We’ve all heard some variation of the famous Thomas Edison quote, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Edison’s perseverance led to the invention of the lightbulb. Similarly, the true mark of successful leaders is not shown in their...

How to Prevent Chemical Accidents in the Workplace

How to Prevent Chemical Accidents in the Workplace

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), American workers suffer more than 190,000 illnesses and 50,000 deaths annually related to chemical exposure. As part of a program to combat the worldwide problem of chemical accidents that lead to...

You Don’t Need To Be #1

You Don’t Need To Be #1

We all want to be the best. No one likes losing, or watching from the sidelines as someone else is victorious in a goal we set out to accomplish. However, sometimes constantly pushing to be the best can come with disastrous consequences for yourself and your...
