Don’t Train in Vain: Develop an Employee Training Plan


Training time is only as valuable as you make it. Don’t train in vain — develop an employee training plan, and stick to it. Structure the time you have in your different types of training meetings to get the biggest bang for your training buck. Focus your training on doable actions presented in a clear, consistent, and ongoing basis. To make sure your training sticks, use a variety of tools from online training modules to engaging games.

Daily Training

Short daily training sessions should be a part of every employee training plan. At about 5-10 minutes each, daily training must be delivered with precision. Be sure to keep the meeting fast-paced and engaging. Make sure your employees know the promotions that are happening in your operation that day, and ask them to explain them like they would to a customer. You can also cover maintenance topics — be sure to show proper techniques and have employees practice through role-playing, rather than just talking about it.

Weekly Training

Weekly employee training sessions should last about a half-hour and should also be focused on real-world situations. Utilize online training with videos to give trainees a solid intro to the content you’re covering, then follow it up with online assessments and application of new skills on-the-job training strategies. Weekly meetings are a great time to cover items related to safety or compliance. Use your mentoring program to reinforce weekly training topics.

Monthly Training

Monthly training meetings should be longer sessions that encompass broad-scale topics like new product development, marketing promotions and more detailed role-play scenarios. Monthly meetings are also a good time to award prizes for past incentive programs and announce new incentive programs for the coming month. You can also use monthly meetings to introduce your training plan for the coming month, and share morale-boosting news such as employee anniversaries, accomplishments, or great ideas.

Track All Your Training

Let’s face it, tracking your employee training is almost as important as conducting it in the first place. Employees need to be trained on a variety of compliance issues as well procedures, position-specific tasks, customer service, and more. As a manager, you need to know when they’re trained and how well they understand the material. That’s not always an easy task. A learning management system (LMS) makes scheduling and tracking training simple.

Online Employee Training

The foundation of any employee training plan is your online training curriculum. trainingGrid®​ is an LMS developed with you and your employees in mind. Its intuitive design makes learning management simple and allows employees to begin training with just a click. This flexible system comes with a variety of robust features customizable to fit your needs in addition to built-in reporting and certification tools that track your compliance documentation.

Request a guided demonstration of trainingGrid®​ today!

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